Liv Paltiel - Quality Manager 2023
Biobank Norway welcome Liv Paltiel as our Quality Manager for 2023.

Until the end of this year, Liv will lead the group of Common Service 1 in Biobank Norway which focus on quality biobanking. During 2023, CS1 has planned to:
- Establish a framework for partner audits and the goal is to perform the first audit
- Continue with web meetings, “Akkrediteringsforum”, where topics from and implementation of the ISO 20387: 2018 Biobanking standard are discussed
- Update Beste praksis for norske biobanker
- Host a national one-day seminar in the autumn
- Support quality studies
In addition, Liv will have a help desk function, guiding and connecting the Norwegian biobanks, and have continuous dialog and cooperation with BBMRI-ERIC.
Liv has more than 20 years of biobanking experience from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Today she has a position as quality manager in the Department of Biobanks at NIPH, but she also has experience from biobank management and as a biobank laboratory engineer. She has experience from implementing the ISO 9001:2015 standard Quality management systems in a biobank and leads the implementation of ISO 20387:2018 Biobanking at the NIPH biobank.
Liv has a background as engineer in chemistry and completed her Master of Science in Biobanking at the Medical University of Graz in 2022.
Please feel free to contact Liv in any matter when it comes to quality biobanking.