WP1 Management and Investments

Management, coordination, development of the organization and coordination of investments.

  • Organizing leader group meetings and reports on Biobank Norway to the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and other stakeholders
  • Participates actively in the European biobank infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC and other international biobank initiatives
  • Organizing national and international conferences on biobanking
  • Communicates actively with the public and biobank donors through our web site and other initiatives
  • Investments; automated -80 storage at Oslo University Hospital

WP2 Integrated model for precision medicine


  • Establish a joint national strategic interest forum and an operational team coordinating the activities of partners related to the 'use case'
  • Select, plan and design representative 'use cases' for personalized medicine using population and clinical biobanks, and integrate these with registries and clinical data
  • Develop a common data management policy in collaboration with and approved by all partner institutions
  • Establish an integrated infrastructure that utilizes biobanks for research in personalized medicine using 'use cases'
  • Test and improve infrastructure using personalized medicine use cases and develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

WP3 Clinical biobanks


  • Establishment of four working groups
  • Build hospital based general biobanks bridging regional boundaries
  • Establish biobanking within community health care
  • Develop possibilities for industry collaboration with clinical biobanks established in BN3
  • Clarify legal and ethical challenges for hospital based research biobanks

WP4 HAP-integration and Researcher Support


  • Organize a help desk for project oriented analysis support
  • Workshop/course in large-scale data-management and analysis
  • Assist HAP in developing a cohort explorer based on use-cases developed in WP2
  • Ensure that the development of HAP meets the needs of biobank researchers
  • Develop procedures and solutions for data sharing through a Norwegian EGA node
  • Relevant tools for large-scale analysis, analysis of "rare-variants" and statistical power

WP5 Digital biobanking


  • Establish networks for "value management" of digital biobank data
  • Develop frameworks for valuation / management of data adapted to digital biobank data
  • Guidelines for the storage and handling of digital tissue images in biobank archives (digital pathology)
  • Guidelines for storing and handling digital gene samples and other large-scale biobank archive datasets
  • Data Import Guidelines from Digitizer, Data Export Guidelines for Large Digital Biobank Samples

CS1 Quality Biobanking

Common Service Biobanking has established a biobank help desk, and organizes disseminated services such as:

  • Sample handling
  • Quality management
  • Technical solutions
  • Lab ware
  • DNA and RNA extraction, quality studies
  • LIMS/Data base solutions
  • Biobank constructions/establishments
  • Energy consumption and recycling

Contact help desk


Hva gjør vi?

  • Vi bidrar til å sikre optimal bruk av norske forskningsbiobanker med en høy etisk standard
  • Vi arbeider for å fremme offentlig engasjement rundt bruken av norske biobanker
  • Vi bidrar til at arbeidet i Biobank Norge utøves i tråd med juridiske og samfunnsmessige krav
  • Vi rådgir biobankforskere og institusjoner i forhold til etiske utfordringer
  • Vi utvikler verktøy, retningslinjer og informasjonsmateriell som hever bevisstheten om viktige etiske utfordringer ved biobankforskning
  • Vi undersøker forskeres og deltakeres holdninger til etiske spørsmål ved biobankvirksomhet


Hvilke sentrale spørsmål er vi opptatt av? 

  • Bør biobankdeltakere gis anledning til å få tilgang til individuelle genetiske forskningsdata?
  • Hvordan bør en beskytte personvernet til biobankdeltakerne når data deles med forskningsmiljøer i andre land?
  • Hvilken etiske utfordringer dukker opp ved et tettere samarbeid mellom offentlige forskningsbiobanker og legemiddelindustrien?
  • Hvilken rolle bør biobankdeltakerne ha i å påvirke utforming og gjennomføring av forskningsstudier?
  • Hvordan utvikle samtykke- og kommunikasjonsformer som sikrer deltakernes interesser og gir god forskning?