Help desk - biobanking

Common Service Biobanking

A national service for biobanks: Offers a help desk for biobanking, arranges work shops on quality issues and performs quality studies. 

The Norwegian biobank environment represents a greatly valuable biobank resource that is organized in this Common Service for Biobanking.

Best Biobank Practice, written by  biobank enthusiasts within Biobank Norway, was established in the Biobank Norway 1 project period. The document is dynamic, and will be regularly updated.

Beste praksis for norske biobanker, versjon 3.0. (pdf)

Recommendations for Prospective Clinical Research Biobanks:

Anbefalinger for prospektive kliniske forskningsbiobanker (pdf) 

  • Ultralow amounts of DNA from long-term archived serum samples produce quality genotypes. Rounge TB, Lauritzen M, Erlandsen SE, Langseth H, Holmen OL, Gislefoss RE. Eur J Hum Genet. 2019 Nov 12
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