New version of «Beste praksis for norske biobanker» released
Beste praksis for norske biobanker

The third version of “Beste praksis for norske biobanker” (BBP) has now been published -
With BBP, Biobank Norway provides guidance in planning, managing and operating human research biobanks in Norway. However, parts of the document can also be useful for other biobanks.
The third version of the document has been revised by almost 30 biobankers from the partners in Biobank Norway. The goal has been to adapt BBP to the changes in biobanking since the second version, as well as to other changes affecting biobanking.
Among the changes in the new version are
- Updated links to relevant regulations and helpful information
- Sustainability thinking
- Clarification around genetic analyzes and consent
- Description of lawful basis for processing of data associated to the biological material
- Data and sample sharing with third countries
- Guidelines for acquisition of a biobank information management system
- Less details in descriptions of topics where the biobank’s organizations or institutes have guidelines, eg. in HSE
- Risk management
- Description of report content when shipping samples