ELVIS (Electronic List of Variables In Systems) - the metadatabase of the Cancer Registry of Norway


Data in question: A survey of European biobank professionals on ethical, legal and societal challenges of biobank research.

WP2: Veileder for etablering av generelle forskningsbiobanker -

On June 27, Biobank Haukeland was officially opened by Helse Bergen. The new biobank facility includes an automated storage (-80) with the capacity to store up to 2.5 M samples, built for future expansion. Biobank Haukeland is integrated with the hospital operations and will store biological material for clinical research. Financed by Haukeland University Hospital, University of Bergen, The Research Council of Norway/Biobank Norway and the Trond Mohn Foundation.

Helsedataene våre kan styrke helsenæringen

How will biobanks accelerate cancer research?

"Now is an opportune time to organize scientists in the Nordic region", say the researchers who recently founded the Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine (NSHG-PM). In a new article posted online at Nature Genetics, NSHG-PM Council member Pål Njølstad of the University of Bergen in Norway and his coauthors lay out the tremendous advantages that the Nordic countries have for studying the genetic basis of disease in humans, and describe ongoing efforts, including the formation of the Society, to capitalize on these.

New publication from Biobank Norway

On October 10th 2018, the partners institutions of Biobank Norway, submitted the application to the Norwegian Research Council on the extension of the infrastructure (BN3) for five new years (2019-2024)