Human organoids: Things or data?

Nordic Conference on Future Health

Nordic Conference on Future Health, Sept 10-12.

Nordic Conference on Future Health - Early bird extends June 30th

Beste praksis for norske biobanker

Partnerrevisjoner tilbys norske biobanker

Biobank Norway was represented at the Europe Biobank Week Congress in Vienna 14-17 May;

BBMRI.QM Newsroom

Oral presentation deadline extended to April 30.

ELSI Symposium; Lyon, France on 4-6 June 2024

Oral presentation deadline April 22.

Ole A. Andreassen mottok Hjernerådets forskningspris 2024

Nordic Conference on Future Health; Abstract submission and registration opened

Norwegian Bioinformatics Day 2024

Stilling ledig; Ingeniør/Spesialingeniør Biobank OUS

Midler til kvalitetsstudier i biobanking